The Enneagram Mandala For Relationship Harmony

Do you want things to be Right and say so? 1 PERFECTIONIST

Do you always say yes when friends ask for a favor, and forget yourself? 2 GIVER

So you make lists and a list of your lists? 3 ACHIEVER

Do your family and friends think that your emotions are too much?  4 TRAGIC-ROMANTIC

Do you need space alone and like to figure things out? 5 OBSERVER

Ever wonder why you’re always asking questions?  6 GUARDIAN-DOUBTER

Do your fun activities often exhaust your friends? 7 OPTIMIST

Are you a good leader, but your friends sometimes say you’re too blunt?  8 BOSS

Do you live in the present and like to just hang out? 9 MR/MS EASYGOING

Copyright 2022: Lynn Turner, PhD, LCSW 
Shen Bonanno, Illustrations

The ancient system of the Enneagram Temperament Styles can answer many questions we have about why we do things the way we do. We are all different from birth with gifts and challenges inborn, innate, just our way of being.

The Enneagram describes our Nature or temperament, what we bring to a situation in energy and propensity. Childhood experiences, our Nurture, created patterns of behavior, thoughts and feelings. Together our Nature and our Nurture explain why we do what we do. 

We can change our patterning from childhood, our nurture by activating different neurons, cleansing old patterns through therapy or experience. Our temperament will be with us forever. When we understand our innate nature, we can accept and enjoy the gifts our temperament gives us and work with its challenges. This helps other people in our lives as well.

 I have taught the Enneagram since 1995 to clients, family and friends. Now, I am eager to teach my colleagues this useful tool. So, I’m writing a book for therapists and their clients about the nature (Enneagram) and nurture (childhood) aspects of our personalities. This website is created to support that endeavor with a Blog, see below, scroll down.

Hi, I’m Lynn!

Dr. Turner is a master therapist who has used the Enneagram temperament system since 1995 to help several thousand clients understand themselves. With clinical knowledge and the Enneagram, Lynn discerns the love knots of complicated temperament combinations. For instance, the Perfectionist 1 style married to the Easy-going 9 style often find themselves in conflict over household organization. Learning to collaborate with their strengths and challenges helps such a couple see each other in a different light. This website Blog is a platform for Lynn’s book on the Enneagram for therapists and their clients.

On the Blog