The Enneagram system describes our innate temperament or way of being. Our temperament gives us an energy field that interacts with others and the environment in a special way. This might even be described as a particular brain wiring that comes like firmware in a computer. Although we all have our own individuality, the Enneagram system describes nine ways of being giving us both gifts and burdens. The 1 Perfectionist, for instance, has the gift of noticing details, particularly those that could be corrected. Likewise 1s seem to be compelled from the inside to tell us what is wrong. This can be a burden for both the 1 Perfectionist and those being told. While the Perfectionist intends their correction to be helpful, it is often felt as critical to the listener. Learning how to interact with each other while accepting our gifts and burdens is part of the wisdom of the Enneagram. 

What is the Enneagram?