9 Mr/Ms Easygoing

The Gift of Going with the Flow and the Need to Avoid Conflict

8s Say: “I often feel in union with people and nature. I enjoy just hanging out. I try to avoid unpleasantness or conflict. Why bother. Life's too short. I tend to procrastinate, putting things off until the last minute. When people try to control me, I get stubborn.”

Root Emotion: Underground Angst

Wired to be gentle, 9s are relaxed, and slow to speak.  They desire peace in all things. They tend to avoid conflict and as the middle part of the “gut” triad, they exert their power with passive-aggression. Their stubbornness is legendary. They are easily distracted with their many interests and are often diagnosed as ADD. While their ability to see “all sides” makes them a good negotiator, they also have problems with motivation. They can easily put aside their worries and wish others would. They seem to have more brain compartments to traverse in answering a question, as they search for related material and then have a problem putting their thoughts into words. Healthy 9s are well attached to their families and considered a good friend by most. Their seeming lack of stress gives them good health and they tend toward slimness with loose bodies prone to relaxing positions. However, for unhealthy 9s, avoiding conflict and harboring unexpressed anger can lead them to chronic depression. They can appear lazy.  They can have trouble taking initiative tackling jobs or seeing them completely through.  They can be great procrastinators, diverting energy into trivia.  They don't see disorder in their environment and may dress carelessly. They have trouble saying no or speaking up for themselves.

They are by nature easygoing and loveable. They appear simple and uncomplicated. This makes dealing with 9s easy. They're naturally honest unless it will cause conflict. Then they are silent. They have no hidden motives. They like to swim with the current.

9s tend to be very

9s can also be













"Take it easy.  Take time to smell the roses in life."







Laziness. Nothing seems very important or urgent. Energy is spent on maintaining peace and ignoring anything that troubles them (or others). Procrastination.