

This is an ever expanding page with Blog information added periodically. The basics are here for you to discover what the Enneagram is and how to find yourself. If you are reading one blog area and want to read another, just click Blog at the bottom of the page -you’ll be brought back here. The Blogs are arranged in five sections. You can find all of them below, scroll down.

1. What, Where, Why, How about the Enneagram.

2. Find Yourself: each of the Enneagram temperament styles are fully described as well as questions to answer (to be added),

3. For Therapists: Nature-Nurture and Sessions with Couples, Individuals, Children and Families (Sessions coming).

4. Lynn’s Mandala, Triads, Triangles, Wings, Subsets and the Triune Brain (items coming soon).

5. Research, History, Weird Questions and More (Coming Later).

Having worked with the Enneagram and my clients for almost 30 years, I have much to say. This will unfold over time. You’ll see additions every week or so with a monthly newsletter highlighting the new text. Please give me feedback of what you like, what you’d like to understand better, etc. on the Work with Me page and by email. Most importantly, let me know that you would like to see my book published (for a publisher). I have an email address just for this website which I will check regularly to answer questions. If there is a large interest, as I hope, I will look for a trainee to check emails. The email for this website blog is Thanks for your interest. Begin below.

What, Where, Why

Find Yourself

For Therapists

Mandala, Triads, Triangles, Wings, Subsets, and the Triune Brain

Research, History, Weird Questions and More