Work With Me

I created this Blog website as a platform for my book: Loving and Living on the Ennea-Go-Round in Harmony: A Guide for Therapists and Their Clients. I enjoy leading Enneagram Seminars and supervising therapists to use Enneagram temperaments in their practice

Teaching therapists over 3 years, I’ve found that integrating the Enneagram Temperament Styles into psychodynamic, IFS, CBT and other psychotherapeutic treatments can be challenging. My book, will be a help. In the meantime, much can be gained by reading here on this Blog website. The For Therapists section of Blogs will lay out the basics and give examples of client issues (disguised of course) using the Enneagram in therapy. Your clients can find themselves in the descriptions 1-9 under the Find Yourself Section.

A Newsletter for those interested will be sent out each month with the new information added to this Blog website. Please sign up for the newsletter below. You can ask questions or sign up for supervision by emailing me at I will answer questions in the newsletter.

Short-term supervision on using the Enneagram is also offered to interested therapists, counselors, ministers and other helping professionals. This is a work in process, so it will depend on your interest and my time. I am tentatively planning a 3 month commitment from February 2023 through April 2023 for monthly 2 hour supervision on one Friday a month. This could be extended or time changed, depending on your feedback. I will be teaching three 3 hour sessions with the Greater Washington Society of Clinical Social Workers (GWSCSW) offered with CEUs for social workers in Jan-Mar 2023. See Workshops on this website for registration information coming in mid Dec. Other Enneagram workshops will be posted when they are offered to the general community or professionals.

Tabitha is my therapy dog -greeting my clients rather loudly, but softening to comfort as needed in my office. She is a 9 Easy-Going. Yes, all mammals have temperaments. Tabby came to me as a rescue from San Antonio, TX through the Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue organization three years ago. She is gentle and occasionally stubborn, like her human 9 counterparts.

You can find new information about these offerings here on this website and through the newsletter. If you respond to me directly with my email:, I will answer as many questions as I can in the newsletter. This is an experiment in progress. I hope that it will be helpful for therapists as well as clients and anyone else interested. Best to all, Lynn