There are several enneagram workshops planned over the next year. I will put dates, times, locations and how to register here.

When I teach an Enneagram Seminar, I begin by describing the 9 Styles using the Enneagram Mandala. Then, participants are invited to sit as panels of styles to be interviewed by me and the other participants. Set questions draw out each participant’s style. The room of participants are usually eager to ask questions of each panel related to someone in their lives. Anyone can sit on any panel to discover if that is their style. Interestingly, the 6’s usually sit on many panels as their gift is to question and their challenge is to find certainty. 

Our Enneagram temperament is not just our behavior, it is how we carry our energy. As two or three or more folks sit on a panel, it becomes evident to the rest of the room that everyone on the panel looks at the world in the same way, or they notice that one participant doesn’t fit the others. Asking a panel of 6’s what is the most important value in a relationships, they respond “TRUST”. Asking a panel of 2’s what is the most important value elicits “Connection, or Caring”.

I ask each panel, at the end of their time, to tell me what they would do in a life situation such as “riding up in an elevator to the top floor when the elevator suddenly stops, the lights go out, what do you think, feel do? Most 2 Givers ask, “is everyone ok?” Most 3 Achievers are annoyed that they will be late for their meeting. One time a 1 Perfectionist told us that she would find out who did this and they would hear about it. One 6 Guardian said that she always knows where the phone is when she gets into an elevator. 6s keep us safe and worry about what can go wrong.

We have fun in the Enneagram Seminars, laugh about our differences, appreciate everyones gifts, and create understanding that can bring harmony to our relationships. One 8 Boss told me later that she now understood why her bluntness could seem to knock others over. This was helpful to her in subsequent connections with her friends.

Workshops & Events