Loving and Living on the Ennea-Go-Round: A Guide to Relationship Harmony for Therapists and Their Clients.

The Nature/Nurture aspects of loving and living are brought to life for therapists and their clients in this guide to the Enneagram temperament system. We are all born with an innate temperament into a family, culture, history. How we negotiate our childhood nurture is affected by our temperament. Knowing the Enneagram system of inborn gifts and burdens gives therapists and their clients an in-depth look into the development of psychological protectors and potentials.

Proposals for this book have been sent to publishers. When a publisher is found, this is the page for more information and to order the book. Please indicate your interest in this book by signing up for my newsletter below. Here are a few excerpts from the book proposal:

Coming TBD

“Rick and Jane came into my office with smiles dissolving into frowns as they told me about their differences. They clearly loved each other, but Jane was a 1 PERFECTIONIST, a methodical neatnik who hated surprises. Rick was a 9 EASY-GOING, fun and distractible, rarely seeing the odd sock on the floor. He admitted that he did better “in a crunch,” last minute, when he had to suddenly pull things together, That’s how they depended on him at work. Jane wanted a  plan and order -that’s how she was prized at her work.

Why would two people, so different, fall in love and choose each other for a lifetime of frustration? The adage that opposites attract is true! In my 30 years as a couple’s therapist, I’ve found very few partners where both have the same Enneagram temperament style. Instead, we yearn for that part of us that is undeveloped or not present, finding ourselves more complete with someone who has the attributes we are missing. Therapists can help such a couple learn to collaborate their skills to create harmony.